Wednesday, October 6, 2010

All Things Start Small

Just some pictures of my flipbook :D


  1. Interesting style - bold outline and transparent color. I like the typography and use of color with the opening words. At first, when I started flipping, I almost thought "bla," but then the full-page close-up of the face came up. Using the whole page like that was very nice. It was unexpected and effective. Good job.

  2. All things do start small..
    I like your usage of space and how you made things gradually expand on the pages. I like the randomness of your story. I think you having dialogue was a good idea because it made it that much better.

  3. Loved the idea of the seed being the creator and sprouting up. The picture of the human face and the closeup of the Earth was also very good.

    Overall, I liked how you spread everything out and balanced the effects within your story to make everything match, especially the color.

    Good Work.

  4. Loved that as each page passed, you would zoom in on the subjects. That really brought out the details and the colors you used. I really like the concept of "all things start small".

  5. This was such a good idea for the flip book project. I found that most of the flip books that had words in them seemed to be my favorite. The way you incorporated text then transitioning into pictures worked very well. I love the whole concept of things starting small and growing. Very creative!

  6. Your flip book is very insightful with the expression of "all things start small." I really liked your idea! As your drawings grew, I felt like my perspective on this idea was growing too. If that makes any sense. :) great job!

  7. I loved the idea of "all things start small" it really makes you think of how the world around us is formed. I really enjoyed the drawings and use of color. Great Job!

  8. I noticed your flip book had a expansions in your artwork sort of like mine. The artwork was simplistic but nicely drawn. Great concept of the world.

  9. I thought the way the book translated your ideas was very smart. I liked your use of color throughout the book but perhaps it could have been used better if you had let yourself be a little more creative with the ideas.

  10. i thought the translated theme of "all things start small" is a very creative concept and one that definitely strikes close to the heart for me. when i was younger, my mom always told me "good things come in small packages" to comfort me about my short physical stature. i love that you've accentuated that things must start small to get big.

  11. All things start small was a cool concept. It was unique and it seemed like you had fun playing with the idea. Your pages had a lot of detail too. Your story flowed well. Great work.

  12. this was really cool, you had an idea and expressed it really well. the progression of size and movement worked really well also. Good job

  13. I liked the idea of your story for the flipbook, it was really interesting. Good use of colors in the book. Overall it was pretty cool conceptually and I think you executed it well.
